NCTC Number: NCTC 14041
Current Name: Clostridium botulinum
Type Strain: No
Family: Clostridiaceae
Hazard Group (ACDP): 2
Release Restrictions: Terms & Conditions of Supply of Microbial Pathogens: Safety
Conditions for growth on solid media: Fastidious Anaerobe agar, 37C, ANO2, 48 hours
Isolated From: Human, wound. Wound botulism, 2004. Manchester, UK.
Data: Lipase positive, lecithinase negative.
Toxin Status: Produces botulinum neurotoxin type A.
Accession Date: 09/11/2017
History: Accessioned into NCTC < C. Amar < Clinical material referred from a hospital in Manchester, UK.
Authority: (van Ermengem 1896) Bergey et al. 1923
Depositor: C. Amar (Public Health England, Colindale, London, UK)
Other: Type A
Biosafety Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.